The Art of Creating Flow and Affluence in Your Life

Have you ever felt like anything is possible, like there’s enough for everyone? Have you ever felt especially resourceful, generous, optimistic, purposeful, and connected? If so, you experienced your own brilliance and embodied the principles of flocreation. In this insightful CD, Deb explores the art of living in flow in your own life while supporting the passions and capabilities in others. This funnels into our collective brilliance to create more joyful and purposeful lives, as well as a better world. Whether you’re sharing or discovering your brilliance, Flocreation assists you in putting theory into action.

Price: $12.97

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With this automated version of Deb’s unique Story Creator template, you will creatively and easily write your own personalized love story.

Price: $19.97

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How to Get Clear, Define What You Want and Attract the Man
of Your Dreams

In this must-read book, Deb Garraway will help take you from happenstance romance to intentional creation by showing you exactly how to get clear and claim what you want in your love life.
8×10 paperback

Price: $27.95

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SPECIAL PACKAGE: Book and Online Story Creator™

For the complete CHOOSE HIM experience, you can purchase the book and the online template together for a limited time at a reduced price (a savings of $7.95)—and get free shipping.

Price: $39.97

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Purchase the Online Story Creator™ for one of your friends! If you know someone who could benefit from the Choose Him process, you can give her the gift of the Story Creator. Purchase our Gift Certificate and you will receive a code by email that you can give your friend to access the Story Creator and create her own story.

Price: $19.97

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