by Deb Garraway
October 29, 2010

How to Get a Guy From Bad Breakups

Often you've got to kiss a lot of candidates to get a guy who's right for you

It’s true. We usually do get better from the lessons we learn in how to get a guy who’s right for us long term.

I prefer not to think of my past numerous relationships as mistakes. As this article from “Love Lessons from Bad Breakups” points out, not only does our judgment improve in men, but we learn more about what we want and have to offer to a relationship. Prior to making the commitment to get married, the 34-year old author of this article decided to schedule dates with four of her previous boyfriends starting from her teens. Read

During the relationship with each of these guys, she felt their relationship would last forever and couldn’t imagine living without them. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
October 26, 2010

Will the Love of My Life Please Sign Here

He's the love of my life...but marriage is a contract.

Some of you may be asking why should I be thinking about prenuptial agreements when I still need to find the love of my life.

This recent article titled “Prenups 101: More Couples Sign Agreements Before They Say I Do,” appearing on ABC News website, is good information for planning ahead. Read more
You’d be surprised how your feelings and expectations around this topic can affect your attitude while dating. It’s one of those topics that’s often suppressed as a low priority until you actually meet someone and plan to tie the knot.

However, your attitude about what’s yours is yours and his is his –or not—plays a key part in how you think and behave while dating or in a relationship. Here are a few examples: (more…)

by Deb Garraway
October 23, 2010

How to Attract Men by Stripping in the Street

I've got dibbs on him!

You bet it's how to attract men!

And women think they have a hard time finding a man in this country!

Can you imagine women stripping in the streets to attract a husband? Well, it’s true based on this article recently published in the online magazineBeyond Jane, titled “Unmarried Chinese Women Storm The Streets Nude to Attract Potential Suitors”. Read more

Apparently due to the extreme shortage of marriageable men and the pressure placed on women by their parents to marry, about 80 women stripped to their panties and bras in a procession on the streets. Many carried signs reading that they were looking for men to marry. Did I miss a new trend in how to attract men? (more…)

by Deb Garraway
October 20, 2010

Why Do I Need to Get A Man?

Why do I really want to get a man?

This question seems to be on the minds of a lot of single women these days.

I have single friends who tell me they don’t need to get a man for the role of financial provider, future security, safety, or even to have a baby. Nowadays it’s very commonplace for women to bear children through surrogate fathers, artificial insemination, or through adoption. When I’m asked why do I need to get a man, my answer is what do you want? Seems like a trite response to an earnest question, but it really is that simple. The problem for most single women I’ve met is that they’re not used to delving into what it is they’re actually missing by not having a man in their life; and therefore aren’t looking at possible alternatives for the missing things, which makes the void in their life feel deeper. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
October 17, 2010

Using Your Computer To Get A Guy

Get the scoop to get a guy for a lifetime.

No, this isn’t about online dating. It’s about strategies to help you in your quest to get not just any guy,

but THE GUY you want to spend the rest of your life with. Welcome to the information age! You can do your own sleuthing and learn just about anything you want to know on the Internet. Now since you’re reading this blog post, I’m assuming you have a modicum of technical ability online.

Let’s start with the basics: Internet research.

So you have a first date set up and you don’t know too much about the man in question. Lots of women know to simply type his name and city into Google and see what comes up—but do you really know what to look for and how to find more info? This tactic requires that you can differentiate your date from others with the same name. (more…)

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