21st Century Relationships

by Deb Garraway
July 30, 2010

Could the Man of My Dreams Be a Wife?

The man of my dreams likes homemaking

Well, I just finished reading a fascinating article in The Atlantic magazine called “The End of Men” by Hanna Rosin. This is a very long article and parts of it may not interest some readers, but I found the statistics and projections for women’s roles in our culture fascinating.

I believe the new place of women in society is having a profound impact on today’s partnering roles and relationship issues.

According to Rosin, “For years, women’s progress has been cast as a struggle for equality. But what if equality isn’t the end point? What if modern, postindustrial society is simply better suited to women?” The article reports on the unprecedented role reversal now under way—and its vast cultural consequences. See the full article here: The End of Men
It’s tough to do justice to this article with these brief highlights that are relevant to my topic, but I’ll do my best. The most stunning assertion is that for the first time in human history, man’s dominant role in our culture is changing “with shocking speed.” (more…)

by Deb Garraway
June 26, 2010

Hard To Find True Love With Expired Software

Finding true love doesn't have to be so difficult

Some people may think I’m a little bit out there on this topic, but I think in many ways,we’re behaving as if we’re in the dark ages.

We haven’t evolved our romantic relationship roles, behavior, and attitudes to match our social evolution. I’d really like to hear what you think.

Trapped in the past

As with any goal we pursue, there’s tremendous power in knowing what you want and expecting to have it, but many women don’t seem to apply the same philosophy when it comes to romance. (more…)

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