by Deb Garraway
June 2, 2010

Change Your Mind To Find Mr. Right

Do you ever wonder why changing your mind about some things is pretty easy

—like what you’re going to wear today or whether you should accept a job offer—while others are so not? There are things that are really tough to change your mind or beliefs about, such as whether you should stay in a difficult relationship or perhaps the fear that if you leave it, you may never find Mr. Right. Then again, because of past painful lost relationships, you may worry that the man you might believe is your true love may not feel the same way about you. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
May 21, 2010

How To Attract Men In A New Way

There IS a better way to attract him

One thing I’ve noticed in advertising, on billboards, in magazines and other print media,

is that you rarely see an image of a woman choosing a man or deciding if he’s right for her. After viewing literally hundreds of online photos of women interacting with men, I confirmed my opinion. Women are most often depicted as flirtatious, seductive, angry, condescending, stuck up, jealous, or aggressive with men. It seems we’re portrayed in two extremes: either sexy or bitchy. These depictions stir up my thoughts about women’s historically limited perspectives on how to attract men. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
March 19, 2010

Do You Find True Love or Let It Find You?

When I hear a girlfriend or client say she wants to find true love, I dig deeper into what she means by true love.

The phrase means many things to each woman, but what comes up most often is that she wants to be loved unconditionally and accepted for who she is. And she wants it to be lasting. Sometimes she’ll ask whether she should be out looking to find true love or should she be waiting for it to find her. My answer is that it’s both. (more…)

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