by Deb Garraway
August 20, 2010

Visualize Him to Attract the Man of Your Dreams

The man of my dreams will get out of bed just to buy me ice cream

There’s a great article from the Chicago Tribune titled Day Dream Your Way to a Better Life discussing suggestions from Dr. David Burns’ book “Feeling Good”.

Dr. Burns says one of the most enjoyable and effective ways to improve your outlook and pull yourself out of the doldrums is to actually visualize a better life. He goes on to say, “When we read a story, we create a visual image of the characters and the situation. The great communicators use language to create mental images”. Burns recommends creating a dream board with photos and images of things you want to own, places you want to go, accomplishments you want to achieve, and even how you envision yourself in the future. See full article here

Numerous motivational and spiritual teachers speak passionately about the law of attraction and the power of intention in creating your life through focused thoughts and attention on what you desire. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
August 14, 2010

Love Poetry Can Help You Gain Clarity

What kind of love poems would light my fire?

I realize not everyone enjoys reading poetry, though I find it inspiring and also useful.

Because poetry relies so much on metaphor and other forms of symbolic language, it can have a profound effect on people when they read it. Good poetry can force you to look at the world—and yourself—differently.
How you respond to various kinds of love poetry could tell you something about your deepest emotional needs and desires.

That’s why I recommend reading all sorts of love poetry from many different eras to see what sort of writing moves you. For example, in reading Elizabeth Barrett Browning, an English Victorian poet, you maybe surprised to realize you’re much more of a romantic than you thought. And perhaps you’d like your dream man to be a romantic sort too. (They do exist, trust me!) (more…)

by Deb Garraway
August 13, 2010

Self-Power Tools for How to Find My Soulmate

Do I find my soulmate by connecting with his soul?

From time to time I’ll be writing about self-power tools and ideas to increase your personal power in dating and partnering.

After lots of dating a variety of men and finally settling down with the love of my life, I’ve learned a great deal about my own personal power. I call it self-power since it draws attention to the fact that we can access our own internal power rather than looking for someone on the outside to empower us, including a man.

My preference is to call him my dream man, but many women want to know the answer to the question: how do I find my soulmate? I recently read that the majority of both single men and women want to find their soulmate. Most of us want that special someone with whom we form a special bond, the closeness, touching, and knowledge that someone is there for us and cares for us through thick and thin forever. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
August 4, 2010

Being Present For the Love of My Life

I almost missed the love of my life

In my book Choose Him: How to Get Clear, Define What You Want, and Attract the Man of Your Dreams, I talk about expressing authentic personal power, which I believe was a key to attracting the love of my life. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I had decided to write out in great detail exactly what I wanted in a man and my relationship with him; and that I would have that man or be happy remaining single. My definition of authentic personal power is when you make conscious choices and decisions from a place of present-moment awareness and clarity—knowing what you feel, what you want, what is real, and what is really happening. To get to the place of present-moment awareness and clarity, I needed to learn how to be fully present, allow myself to feel my true feelings. Then I had to force myself to stay out of my active mind, which distracted me from what was actually happening in my life.

Being present was not as easy as it sounds.

I thought I knew what it meant, but it took a lot of practice to get there and to become aware of the subtle ways we avoid being fully present with ourselves, as well as with others. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
June 13, 2010

Finding Mr. Right Instead of Mr. Right Now

I'm free to choose my Mr. Right

If you’re like a lot of women who wonder why it’s so hard to find true love,

you might be ready to give up, convinced there aren’t any good men left out there. Believe me, I’ve been there. But that’s just wrong! My research has shown that there are 1.7 million more men than women in the 35-64 age range who have never been married. There are 8 single men to every 8 single women in the 35-44 age range, and between 45-54, single men to women only drops slightly to 7 for every 8 women. Everywhere you turn, there are misleading statistics and (more…)

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