Self-Powered Woman

by Deb Garraway
October 20, 2010

Why Do I Need to Get A Man?

Why do I really want to get a man?

This question seems to be on the minds of a lot of single women these days.

I have single friends who tell me they don’t need to get a man for the role of financial provider, future security, safety, or even to have a baby. Nowadays it’s very commonplace for women to bear children through surrogate fathers, artificial insemination, or through adoption. When I’m asked why do I need to get a man, my answer is what do you want? Seems like a trite response to an earnest question, but it really is that simple. The problem for most single women I’ve met is that they’re not used to delving into what it is they’re actually missing by not having a man in their life; and therefore aren’t looking at possible alternatives for the missing things, which makes the void in their life feel deeper. (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
August 11, 2010

Self-Power Tools for How to Attract Men With Confidence

Do you have the confidence factor for how to attract men?

While the title of this post could go a couple of ways–

how to attract men who have confidence, OR how to attract men with your confidence, I’m talking about the latter—your confidence. It’s really hard to fake confidence, so how does one go about having confidence if you really don’t?

I remember one time I met this absolutely gorgeous guy at a party; then he called me for a date. He was so incredibly, strikingly handsome and sexy that I literally went mute when he picked me up. I mean I couldn’t get words out of my mouth—I just stared at him and thought you’re such a hunk of deliciousness that I just want to take a bite out of you! Of course that made me think that I must look like chopped liver compared to him. My confidence suddenly took a dive into never-never land, meaning I thought he’d never, never want to ask me out again. (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
August 9, 2010

How to Get a Man With Your Self-Power

She knows how to get a man AND a career

We’re in an age overflowing with self-help resources, and as a result, most women are more self-responsible than ever before.

Women are more aware how and why we create our experiences, and we’ve left behind the old victim mentality, including our approach to how to get a man. I believe women power themselves best by being authentic in relationships–

Modern women have no need for manipulation and game playing.

Women also claim self-power by setting standards for themselves and the men in their lives and maintaining them—no one needs to settle for a less-than-fulfilling relationship. In my research and coaching practice, I’ve also observed that women have greater success in love when they turn within to find motivation and make decisions; internal validation is what helps find and attract the right man. (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
May 12, 2010

I Can Get A Man But I Can’t Say No

We women often have hard time saying what we feel and what we want, but even worse, we struggle with saying what we don’t want.

My clients often ask me, “Why is it I can get a man’s attention, but when I realize there’s no chemistry or connection, I just can’t say no thanks?” These women find it uncomfortable to tell a man that he’s not her type and she doesn’t want to go out with him again. So, often she’ll avoid phone calls and ignore emails or make excuses about being busy or having gotten back together with her old boyfriend.

Women are naturally empathetic, and we tend not to want to say something that we wouldn’t want said to us.

Men will usually just not call and will come up with things like: I’ve been really busy at work, or I’ve got a lot on my mind and will leave it at that. Wouldn’t it make more sense just to say the truth politely?

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