Finding Mr Right

by Deb Garraway
June 16, 2010

Five Questions To Ask Yourself About Mr. Right

Sometimes I’m asked by my single friends and clients how they will know if a guy they’re falling for really is Mr. Right. It’s so easy to get caught up in a relationship that starts out well, and then problems start to arise. You ask yourself if he’s just not right for you, or if you need to be more understanding and not expect him to be perfect.Let’s say there are lots of checkmarks in the Plus Column: you have physical chemistry, similar values, a shared sense of humor, and a special bond that you feel.
• Are you supposed to work harder to hold the relationship together, even if things aren’t going well?
• Should you feel like you’d be better off as best friends?
• What if there isn’t much chemistry but everything else feels perfect? The key word in each of these questions is the word feel. (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
June 13, 2010

Finding Mr. Right Instead of Mr. Right Now

I'm free to choose my Mr. Right

If you’re like a lot of women who wonder why it’s so hard to find true love,

you might be ready to give up, convinced there aren’t any good men left out there. Believe me, I’ve been there. But that’s just wrong! My research has shown that there are 1.7 million more men than women in the 35-64 age range who have never been married. There are 8 single men to every 8 single women in the 35-44 age range, and between 45-54, single men to women only drops slightly to 7 for every 8 women. Everywhere you turn, there are misleading statistics and (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
June 2, 2010

Change Your Mind To Find Mr. Right

Do you ever wonder why changing your mind about some things is pretty easy

—like what you’re going to wear today or whether you should accept a job offer—while others are so not? There are things that are really tough to change your mind or beliefs about, such as whether you should stay in a difficult relationship or perhaps the fear that if you leave it, you may never find Mr. Right. Then again, because of past painful lost relationships, you may worry that the man you might believe is your true love may not feel the same way about you. (more…)

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by Deb Garraway
April 12, 2010

How to Get a Man by Getting Real

Authenticity IS the new sexy!

Today we hear the word “authentic” used a lot.

Just about everyone I know thinks they’re authentic—you know, real, genuine, I am who I am, etc. I always thought I was authentic because I’m light-hearted, kind, down-to-earth, want to see the best in everyone, really like people, and most people seem to like me. Plus, I love sharing, problem solving, and helping others. Doesn’t that sound authentic?

Well, it turns out I was deluding myself by thinking that all these wonderful things made me authentic. I’ve learned over many years of working on self-improvement and personal growth that most of us are not being authentic or true to ourselves at all. Real authenticity is when your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions are in alignment and you don’t confuse yourself and others with mixed messages and energy. When you’re consistent in your expression, you know what you stand for and you’re more centered, calm, and clear. You’re able to speak your mind and let others know how you feel and what you want.


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by Deb Garraway
March 26, 2010

How Not To Get A Guy

Bad boys can be bad for your emotional health

OMG! Not another big news story about a cheating celebrity!

However, I have to comment on this Huffington Post article titled So What Part of Bad Boy Was Unclear Sandra Dear?
The male author of this article doesn’t show much sympathy for Sandra Bullock in her choice of men and refers to her, Jennifer Anniston, and Elin Woods as smart, decent women with lots of options. He condescendingly goes on to say “To think that somehow you, my dear reader, are better than those ladies and would never fall into the same trap is …a mistake…i.e. the notion that bad stuff only happens to other people.” He proceeds to offer seven tips to spot and avoid bad boys, some of which make sense, and others which I don’t necessarily accept as good indicators of a bad boy. (more…)

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