by Deb Garraway
November 10, 2010

Free Falling to Find True Love

Is this the only way to find true love?

Remember the song Free Falling by Tom Petty? This song can be interpreted in so many ways,

everything from he’s happy to be free from a woman he just broke up with, to the other extreme that he’s addicted to drugs and leaves her because she’s a good girl he doesn’t deserve. He has his freedom, but he feels like he’s free falling from a drug high to the ground. Sounds like a very scary thing, like jumping out of an airplane with no parachute. Hear it sung by John Mayer here. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
November 7, 2010

Your Story of the Man of My Dreams

The man of my dreams gets inspired by nature

Have you ever thought in terms of your story of the man of my dreams?

What I mean by your story is the way you actually imagine yourself living from day to day with your dream man.

Much more than just the qualities he possesses, have you thought through any of the following details? (more…)

by Deb Garraway
November 4, 2010

Fear of Success in Finding Mr. Right

If I find Mr. Right, it may turn out wrong

Are you fairly confident in your overall personal package – looks, financially stable, no baggage

– but when it comes to finding Mr. Right, you get feelings of pressure around sustaining a good relationship once you’ve found it? Perhaps you’re a high achiever and worry that you won’t be able to meet potentially higher expectations from your dream man or for your relationship. Could it be you’re afraid of commitment? Or, is it possible you have a fear of being “found out?” What I mean by that is the fear that Mr. Right won’t think you’re all that special once he gets to know you well. (more…)

by Deb Garraway
November 1, 2010

Love Poetry From a Phenomenal Woman

We deserve love poetry honoring ourselves

Today I want to talk about love of ourselves and all of the subtle ways that we express ourselves as women.

When we acknowledge and embrace our grace and beauty as a woman, men notice and appreciate that which we appreciate in ourselves. I cannot write it any better than described in Maya Angelou’s poem called Phenomenal Woman. Here’s a brief excerpt but the entire poem is worth reading at

by Deb Garraway
October 29, 2010

How to Get a Guy From Bad Breakups

Often you've got to kiss a lot of candidates to get a guy who's right for you

It’s true. We usually do get better from the lessons we learn in how to get a guy who’s right for us long term.

I prefer not to think of my past numerous relationships as mistakes. As this article from “Love Lessons from Bad Breakups” points out, not only does our judgment improve in men, but we learn more about what we want and have to offer to a relationship. Prior to making the commitment to get married, the 34-year old author of this article decided to schedule dates with four of her previous boyfriends starting from her teens. Read

During the relationship with each of these guys, she felt their relationship would last forever and couldn’t imagine living without them. (more…)

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