by Deb Garraway
December 15, 2010
The love of my life is a man I can trust
Most everyone has heard about the Law of Attraction since the movie The Secret became a global phenomenon a few years ago.
Some people were disappointed that a significant part of the process of attraction wasn’t clearly represented in the movie.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the law, the premise is that thoughts have an energy which attracts whatever it is the person is thinking about. In order to control this energy to one’s advantage, proponents say that
people must practice four things:
• Be very clear about and know exactly what you want
• Ask the universe or God for it (more…)
by Deb Garraway
December 8, 2010
We've still got what it takes to attract men!
While I’m not a big fan of repetitive affirmations without connecting them to your heartfelt feelings,
Jessica, the little girl in this video sure can teach us some lessons about how to attract men using affirmations. You’ve got to see this one.
What I love about the lesson for a lot of us women is that Jessica uses her entire body, movement, expressions, voice, and energy to bolster what she loves in herself and her life.
I’ve read that it helps to reinforce beliefs and changes desired in ourselves by incorporating body movement such as working out or dancing simultaneously with words or affirmations. (more…)
by Deb Garraway
December 1, 2010
Interesting....could you be Mr. Right?
When you first meet a man who’s attractive and appears to be a good candidate for your Mr. Right,it can be a bit
nerve-wracking to be a good conversationalist, show him who you are, and at the same time get to know him. It’s a very interesting dance you do and is somewhat like figuring out what song you want to dance to. This might be a stretch for comparison, but have you ever met a man at a nightclub where there’s music, and he comes up to you and asks you to dance? Then you tell him that you want to wait until there’s a good song? Maybe not, but I have; if I’m not feeling a song, it’s very hard for me to have fun dancing. However, if he was a gorgeous hunk, suddenly the song didn’t matter. Ha-ha! (more…)
by Deb Garraway
November 24, 2010
Lucky me...way to buy a car AND get a man!
Being in the midst of looking for a car online, I started thinking about the similarity in the process of how to get a man through online matchmaking services.
Online dating wasn’t as widely used sixteen years ago when I was “on the market”, but the comparison with my car search gave me a real sense of how overwhelming the process can be today. There are a gazillion brands and models of cars with a multitude of options and price tags. I know my price range, so that makes it a bit easier, but not much.
The sorting process is confusing and distressing with so many factors to consider, especially if it’s a used car. Even though you might like the brand, model, and age of the car, you really don’t know for sure how comfortable it’s going to be on a long drive,if there are any hidden defects, or if it’s going to cost you too much in the long run with ongoing problems. Sounds like a man search to me!
by Deb Garraway
November 17, 2010
Yes, really, you're the love of my life.
Absolutely! In fact, most of the women I’ve known who’ve found their “love of my life” have said he was nothing like they had imagined, including my own.
The difference was either his appearance, his type of work, his lifestyle, socio-economic level, his personality, or even his values. The most interesting difference I’ve heard about is in a recent article in Oprah Magazine called “The One”. The author, Allison Cooper, shares her poignant story of finding the man of her dreams who, as it turns out, used to be a woman. While Cooper and her man don’t consider themselves gay, she reveals the difficulty in explaining to family and friends how she could fall in love with a former woman who transformed herself into a man. No one was more surprised than Cooper herself. Read more (more…)